Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Dolphins, Whales and Mother Watch Duties

Here's an update from Jelte:

Dolphins and Whales

The crew is good fun, the sun is out and it's getting warmer as we go
south. In the first 12 hours we saw a bunch of whales, but we're too far
out now to spot any more. We'll likely see more on this leg though. Also
lots of dolphins, which are very playful and reminded me of Alfie :-)

Position 22 April - 11:38 (Jamaica is lime green)
Things on the boat are settling in nicely and we're making good progress down to Panama! Its already hard to keep track of days. Instead you think of just one watch after the next. I'm loving it, although I'm slightly worried I'm going to get bored of watch after watch after watch for three long weeks. Especially the night watches are tough. 

Just vast ocean around you and nothing to do but keeping the boat going. I'm one of four on our watch that can helm the boat which is good, because otherwise a 4 hour night watch is really tough...

Mother Watch

I'm about to start my 24 hour mother watch (editor's notes: that means its Jelte's turn to cook and clean for 24hrs), so god help the rest of the crew ;-) Although Mags has already laid out what she wants to cook. So I'll just do what I'm told :-)

The crew is getting on very well, and our tactics are sound. We might be low on the leader board on Yellow Brick, but that is just counting the distance to finish (not taking bearings and wind angles in to
consideration). And even on Yellow Brick you will see there's only about 24 miles to the leaders, so effectively it's all still to play for.

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