Sunday, 6 July 2014

Dykes on Bikes, Herb Garden and 4th July Celebration

We've had another busy couple of weeks here in sunny California with lots of outings and celebrations.

4th July Celebrations

We had been told that the best place to see the 4th July fireworks would be from Fisherman's Wharf so we headed out that way in the evening. Jelte was obviously convinced that the city put up the show to celebrate his birthday, but I'm not sure the thousands of people who had turned up would necessarily agree. The fog was there too, making it a little difficult to see the fireworks but that didn't stop people oooh'n and aaaaah'ing. Most memorable firework was the one shaped like smiley face - never seen that before!

fireworks as seen through the famous fog

Obligatory selfie

Alfie opening Jelte's presents

After Dark at the Exploratorium

We went to the Exploratorium at their monthly 'after dark' event and learned everything there is to know about sound, light, other physics and weird stuff. Oh and I also kissed a gigantic dachshund.

slinky treadmill

weird optical illusion

Herb Garden

My herb garden is starting to take shape - although most of the plants still only resemble little weeds.

Dykes on Bikes

The day before the big pride march here in San Francisco, we were invited to see the Dykes on Bikes march from a friend's place. His house was right where the march starts and we had the best view possible of all the cool bikes, and their riders. The day also included sunburn, and lots of beers (hidden in plastic cups - you're not allowed to drink alcohol in bottles in public here in the US).